Welcome to the Trojan CEO Network
MISSION: The Trojan CEO Network is an exclusive program for continuing education, peer learning, and networking for CEOs, Presidents, Executive Directors, and Founders from all schools within USC. Our programs provide our members with high-value educational and networking opportunities. Special thanks to USC's Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at the Marshall School of Business and YPO (the Young Presidents' Organization) for helping us launch the Trojan CEO Network.
If you are interested in applying for the Trojan CEO Network and have received an invitation:
**Click here for the Trojan CEO Network Application**
Please note that membership is by invitation only and is not automatic after applying. Membership is only open to current CEOs, Presidents, Executive Directors and Founders who are affiliated with the University of Southern California.
You will be able to attend Trojan CEO Network events only after your application above has been filled out and accepted.
For any questions feel free to email our President Elizabeth Amini at TrojanCEO@gmail.com.
Fight on!